Yash Agarwal

Beginning a New Journey

When I was in eighth (or was it ninth?) class, one of our teachers asked in the class, what do you want to become in your life? People said a lot of things. When my turn came up, I stood up and said, “Mein software engineer banana chahta hu” (I want to become a software engineer). It was not that I was genuinely interested in Computers. When I look back now, I realize that it was my cousins who affected my choice (in an indirect way), and their achievements fascinated me to aim at this particular career choice.

The Good and Bad about CSED of NIT-C

Four years ago, in this very month of June, JEE Mains results were out. I had screwed up my JEE Advanced, so I had to settle for an NIT. My AIR was good enough to get me a seat of Computer Science and Engineering in any of the NITs except the first three (at that time Trichy, Warangal, and Surathkal). I was skeptical about going to NIT Calicut because of its distance from my native place, so NIT Allahabad was the most suitable choice.

Battery Notifications in i3

I am using i3 window manager for the last seven months, and it has been a pleasant and productive experience so far. There were a few hiccups here and there, but that is expected with such minimalistic setups. One thing that I never noticed was the lack of notifications on critical battery levels. For the last few months, my laptop battery was discharging to 0% all the time. Probably this proved to be too fatal for my battery.

Mistakes That I Made in NITC

Now that I am graduated from NIT Calicut, one more chapter of my life is over. It is time to move on to the next page, but before I begin that phase, I thought it would be nice, to sum up, the experience that I gathered in NIT Calicut. The last four years have been great for me. I learned a lot of new life lessons, but there were some decisions that I could have avoided.

Proxy Your Requests to the Backend Server With Grunt

This article was originally published on zeolearn. If you are working on large projects, it is undoubtedly a good idea to have a build script or some task scripts to help to automate some of the repetitive parts of the development process. For JavaScript projects, Grunt serves a similar purpose. It is a JavaScript task/build runner that is written on top of NodeJS. Grunt can help you with automatically minifying your JavaScript or CSS files, or reload your browser on every file change.