Yash Agarwal

My New Domain

I bought a new domain a few days back - yashagarwal.in. I was trying to buy this domain for the last two years, but it was already taken. My previous domain, yashagarwal.me that I got for free via GitHub education pack, was good enough for me, but the thought that I own a domain which is a top-level domain of some other country was in itself something which was not comfortable to me.

Syncing Time on Windows & GNU/Linux Dual Boot Setups

This post is going to be one of those that I have written for my reference. Whatever I am going to mention in this post is not new. Everything has already been said and written many times on many websites and Linux forums. So I will start by explaining the problem. When you try to dual boot your machine to run both GNU/Linux and Windows operating systems, you might have noticed that the time is not the same in both the operating systems.

Why a Sanskrit Shloka?

श्रूयतां धर्मसर्वस्वं श्रुत्वा चाप्यवधार्यताम् । आत्मनः प्रतिकूलानि परेषां न समाचरेत् ।। If the entire Dharma can be said in a few words, then it is — that which is unfavorable to us, do not do that to others.— Padmapuraana, shrushti 19/357–358 So when you landed on this blog, the first thing you might have noticed is that the home page of this blog has a Sanskrit shloka. Many people ask me, why did I choose to display a Sanskrit shloka on my blog.

Arch Linux Installation Guide Part 2

In this post, I will continue from my last post and set up my newly installed Arch Linux for daily use. I am going to install some applications that I use on a day to day basis. Some of these applications are required for my current dotfile configuration setup to work properly. The choice of applications is highly opinionated and your preferences might be different. If you had gone for installation via SSH option, then I would suggest you to edit your sshd_config file and disable root login.

Arch Linux Installation Guide Part 1

Arch Linux is a Linux distribution known for its not-so-beginner-friendly command line installer, no ready-to-use system after installation and requirement of above average knowledge of command line. However, Arch Linux allows me to set up a system in my desired state in shortest possible time with least effort. This is why I keep coming back to Arch Linux even after some of its annoyances. This guide is written primarily for my reference, as someone who has installed Arch Linux several times, I still can’t remember all the installation steps perfectly.